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Rules of Conduct


The IET promotes and encourages ethical behaviour in the practice of science, engineering and technology by all stakeholders. In so doing, IET旨在提高公众对科学对社会的积极贡献的信任和信心, engineering and technology. 新萄新京十大正规网站的和个人的决定和行动的责任在于个人成员.

Through its Knowledge Network and Rules of Conduct, the IET provides guidance and information sources to support members to take such decisions, and to act, ethically.

Commitment to a shared code of conduct is a defining characteristic of a profession. IET行为规则旨在指导新萄新京十大正规网站达到附则中规定的新萄新京十大正规网站行为标准. In publishing the IET’s Rules of Conduct, 董事会应充分考虑工程委员会或后续监管机构发布的相关指导.

《新萄新京十大正规网站》还旨在支持新萄新京十大正规网站在平衡经常相互冲突的利益和雇主的要求时采取合乎道德的立场, society and the environment. The IET aspires to promote the highest standards of conduct, and consequently, 其行为准则与全球领先工程机构广泛接受的原则一致.

In joining the IET, all members must agree to abide by the Rules of Conduct. 新萄新京十大正规网站通过每年更新新萄新京十大正规网站资格,重申其对《新萄新京十大正规网站》的承诺. 《新萄新京十大正规网站》由新萄新京十大正规网站新萄新京十大正规网站制定,并定期进行审查,以确保其相关性. 对新萄新京十大正规网站行为违反《新萄新京十大正规网站》的指控将根据IET的《新葡新京十大正规网站》予以处理.

Extract from the Bye-laws

25. 对于未缴纳年费或未对持续新萄新京十大正规网站发展提交请求作出回应的新萄新京十大正规网站,理事会有权取消其任何类别的新萄新京十大正规网站资格. 这种退出的条款和条件(附律14)应规定这种退出.

26. 任何类别的成员均可向行政长官及政务司司长提交书面辞职书,退出本局, who may accept that resignation after payment of all the subscriptions due from them, including that for the current year, 但任何新萄新京十大正规网站在向IET提出投诉后辞职或因不支付费用或会费而丧失新萄新京十大正规网站资格,仅为处理有关不正当新萄新京十大正规网站行为的指控而被视为保留新萄新京十大正规网站资格,直至根据附则第33条制定的规则完成纪律处分程序为止.

29. 任何类别的新萄新京十大正规网站均应随时维护其职业的尊严和声誉, act with respect, dignity, fairness and integrity towards everyone with whom their work is connected, and towards other members and safeguard the public interest in matters of health, safety, the environment and otherwise.

30. Persons in any category of membership shall:

(b) exercise their professional skill and judgement to the best of their ability;
(c) discharge their professional responsibilities with respect, dignity and integrity; and
(d) encourage the vocational progress of those in their professional charge.

32. For the purposes of these Bye-laws ‘improper conduct’ shall mean:

(a) the making of any false representation in applying for admission, transfer or readmission to any category of membership of the IET, or applying to become a registered member, or
(b) any breach of the Code of Professional Conduct[1] made under Bye-law 31, or
(c)任何违反本附则的行为(董事会在规章或其他文件中确定将遵循附则33以外的程序的附则除外), or
(d) any conduct injurious to the IET, 包括(但不限于)任何刑事罪行的定罪,而导致定罪的情况可能显示不适合成为新萄新京十大正规网站.

33. The Board shall make Regulations[2] to deal with any allegation of improper conduct which may be brought before it and, in doing so, 委员会应适当考虑工程委员会或后续监管机构公布的指导意见. All members shall comply with and co-operate with the disciplinary procedure set out in Regulations made under this Bye-law; which shall provide for a hearing which complies with the law of natural justice before a panel of members who have no conflict of interest. The member who is the subject of an alleged breach shall be entitled to be represented, have the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses and to call witnesses, 并有权向根据委员会所订规例设立的独立审裁处提出上诉. A member who is found to have engaged in improper conduct may be expelled from the IET, suspended from membership of the IET for any period, 或受到董事会在根据附则第33条制定的规例中确定的其他制裁. The Board may impose other sanctions. Should such expulsion or suspension result in termination of registration, 可根据适当的规管机构或新葡新京十大正规网站机构允许的理由,向该机构提出上诉.


[1] “职业行为准则”是由董事会批准和发布的这些行为准则. 

[2] 此处提及的规则是由校董会批准并发布的纪律规则.

Rules of Conduct

  1. These rules have been made in accordance with Bye-law 31. Unless a contrary intention appears, “member” means a member of any category; and “employer” includes “client”. Except where inconsistent with the context, words implying the singular shall include the plural, and vice versa, and references to one gender shall include references to each other gender.
  2. 成员应遵守工程委员会和皇家工程院发布的现行伦理原则声明的规定.
  3. Members shall uphold the reputation and standing of the Institution.
  4. 新萄新京十大正规网站须遵守学会的《新葡新京十大正规网站》、《新萄新京十大正规网站》及任何辅助条例或规章.
  5. 新萄新京十大正规网站应通过有计划的新萄新京十大正规网站发展来保持他们的知识和技能与时俱进,并在其职业生涯中寻求拓宽和深化这些知识. Members shall keep adequate records of professional development undertaken.
  6. 新萄新京十大正规网站不得承担其合理能力所不能胜任的新萄新京十大正规网站任务和责任.
  7. 新萄新京十大正规网站须对其所完成或在其监督或指导下的所有工作承担个人责任. 各成员还应采取一切合理步骤,确保在其职权下工作的人员具备适当的装备和能力,以执行分配给他们的任务.
  8. 成员应就其完成的或在其监督下的工作评估所有相关责任, and if appropriate hold professional indemnity insurance.
  9. Members whose professional advice is not accepted shall take all reasonable steps:
    1. to ensure that the person overruling or neglecting that advice is aware of any danger or loss which may ensue; and
    2. in appropriate cases, to inform that person’s employers of the potential risks involved.
  10. 新萄新京十大正规网站应向其雇主报告他们在其新萄新京十大正规网站活动中发现的任何可疑的不法行为或危险. This includes:
    1. any breach of professional obligations; and
    2. bribery, fraud or other criminal activity, miscarriages of justice, health and safety risks, 破坏环境和任何违反法律义务的行为,包括任何歧视行为(根据2010年《新葡新京十大正规网站》).
  11. 成员应支持他们对其负有注意义务的同事或其他人,如他们真诚地提出对危险的关注, risk, malpractice or wrongdoing which affects others.
  12. 新萄新京十大正规网站不得以任何贬损协会或其职业尊严的方式刊登广告或撰写文章(在任何媒介上)发表. 也不得授权他人撰写、发表此类广告或文章.
  13. Members shall not recklessly or maliciously injure or attempt to injure, whether directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects or business of any other person.
  14. Members shall at all times take all reasonable care to limit any danger of death, 因其工作或其工作产品可能对任何人造成的伤害或健康不良.
  15. Members shall take all reasonable steps to avoid waste of natural resources, damage to the environment, and damage or destruction of man-made products. 成员就用于国防的设备所进行的合法工作不得违反本规则第15条或第14条.
  16. 在世界任何地方被判犯有刑事罪行或收到与本《新萄新京十大正规网站》的任何方面有关的不利民事法庭判决的新萄新京十大正规网站必须立即通知协会, 并按本机构的要求提供有关定罪或判决的资料, 但这条规则不适用于没有被判处监禁(无论是立即监禁还是缓刑)的驾驶犯罪的定罪,也不适用于《新萄新京十大正规网站》或其他地方同等立法中被视为“已犯”的犯罪.
  17. Members who have:
    1. been declared bankrupt, disqualified as a company director or charity trustee (or any analogous sanction anywhere in the world); or
    2. 因纪律程序而终止另一新萄新京十大正规网站机构的新萄新京十大正规网站资格;

      are required to inform the Institution promptly, and to provide such information concerning the matter as the Institution may require.
  18. 如果一名新萄新京十大正规网站发现其他新萄新京十大正规网站严重违反本行为准则, they shall promptly inform the Institution.
  19. Members shall not use designatory letters to which they are not entitled. 成员可以声明他们是IET的成员,并可以在名片中包括他们适当授予的指定信函, stationery, website, publicity and marketing materials.
  20. 新萄新京十大正规网站不得以商业或个人身份使用IET的标志或徽章(佩戴IET发行的胸章或纪念品除外), or for the exception set out in Rule 21).
  21. Members shall not, whether expressly or by implication, state that they are acting on behalf of, or with the authority of, the Institution, except when conducting Institution business in the capacity of an honorary officer.
  22. Members who are given an “” email account shall only use it for the purpose for which it is given.
  23. Members who are not registered through an Institution as a Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer, 工程技术人员或ICT技术人员不得使用后缀TMIET的权利, MIET or FIET to imply that they are so registered.
  24. 新萄新京十大正规网站应在与本机构的关系中,树立新萄新京十大正规网站行为的典范, its employees and their fellow members.
  25. 成员应注意他们有义务就其在公共领域发布的任何内容树立新萄新京十大正规网站行为的榜样, including without limitation articles, blogs and all social media.
  26. Members who are called upon to give an opinion in their professional capacity shall, to the best of their ability, 根据现有的最佳知识和信息,给出客观的意见, and shall state clearly any limitations or qualifications to such opinion.
  27. 成员应积极推动公众认识和了解工程及科技成果的影响和效益.
  28. 委员不得以其新萄新京十大正规网站身份发表任何公开声明,但须确保:
    1. they are qualified to make such a statement; and
    2. 他们可能与任何可能从声明中受益的一方有任何联系,该声明所针对的一个或几个人都知道.
  29. 作为任何理事会或委员会选举候选人的新萄新京十大正规网站不得承诺, or permit to be undertaken on their behalf, organised canvassing by means of circulars or otherwise.
  30. 成员应以书面通知雇主其个人利益与雇主利益之间可能存在或产生的任何冲突或潜在冲突.
  31. 未经适当授权,新萄新京十大正规网站不得透露与其雇主或其前任雇主有关的任何机密资料.
  32. 成员未经雇主同意,不得就向其雇主提供的新萄新京十大正规网站服务,接受雇主以外的任何人以金钱或金钱价值支付的任何款项或利益. Neither shall they receive, directly or indirectly, 在未经同意的情况下,就雇用他们的工作所使用或为其目的而使用的任何物品或程序而支付的任何款项或利益.
  33. 新萄新京十大正规网站不得提供不当诱因,以获得独立顾问或顾问的工作, either directly or through an agent. Neither shall they improperly pay any person, whether by commission or otherwise, for the introduction of such work.
  34. 除非雇主要求,担任独立顾问或顾问的成员不得代表雇主支付报酬. 他们也不得就其受雇的工作订立合同或下订单, except with the authority of and on behalf of their employer.
  35. 新萄新京十大正规网站须不时按照纪律规例所订定的程序进行合作, 包括但不限于根据纪律条例进行的任何调查.
  36. If any element of these Rules of Conduct conflict with local laws where a member is situate, 该成员应在不违反此类法律的情况下最大限度地遵守这些行为规则.